Designing Your Own Wheel
There are two main types of Spinning systems... Irish tension and Scotch tension.
If you are learning to spin, a scotch tension wheel is easier to learn on than an Irish tension wheel.
IrT = Irish tension ( the bobbin is spun by the main wheel band and the flyer is braked - Bobbin lead)
ScT = Scotch Tension ( the flyer is spun by the main wheel band and the bobbin is braked -Flyer lead)
The S10 Concept spinning wheel takes a modular approach, so you can ....
Decide how you want your wheel to work and look from the following options:
Start with the upright and hardware
1) Choose your base version first.... ie decide on
- single
- or double treadle
ST = single treadle DT = double treadle
2) Choose your wheel type
There are 3 wheel types:
- Classic, the circle with the single hole
- 3 spokes 3S
- 5 spokes 5S
3) Choose whether you want an Irish tension wheel or a Scotch Tension wheel
- this determines the type of mother of all...listed as IrT or ScT
- IrT = Irish tension (Bobbin lead) ScT = Scotch Tension (Flyer lead)
there are more varieties for the Irish tension system than the Scotch tension.
Irish Tension Flyers Choose from standard flyers with hooks or sliding guides.
Bobbins for the Irish tension flyers
standard, high speed, high speed fat core or bulky/art yarn.
Scotch Tension flyers and bobbins
- Twine rack, twine block and rack, stand-alone lazy kate or none at all.
Choose accessories
Make a list and contact us, after you have designed your own wheel.